Real-time traffic information
Below you will find current traffic information for Snälltåget in Sweden. For traffic information in Denmark, Germany, and Austria, we refer to the departure boards at the respective stations.
Further down, you will find information about planned traffic disruptions due to track work and your rights in case of a delay exceeding 60 minutes.
Bus stops Karlskrona–Alvesta
Snälltågets connecting bus Karlskrona–Alvesta calls at the following stops:
Karlskrona – the bus departs from Kungsplan.
Ronneby – the bus departs from stop E.
Karlshamn – the bus departs from the bus stop Karlshamn Centrum Väst, location A, which is located downtown (not the railway station). Google Maps From 16–20 July 2025, the bus will stop at Karlshamn Resecentrum, bus stop A, due to the Östersjöfestivalen.
Tingsryd – the bus departs from stop E
Växjö – the bus departs from stop X.
Alvesta – the bus departs from stop D, on Sjögatan (see map), follow the signs for replacement traffic.
Information about train numbers
There are differences in the departure boards and platform signs regarding train numbers.
Train number on ticket | Train number in station |
311 Stockholm - Malmö | 3941 |
312 Malmö - Stockholm | 3942 |
10300 from Germany | 300 or 306 |
10300 Malmö - Stockholm | 3940 |
10301 Stockholm - Malmö | 3943 |
Storlien → Malmö
Train 3901 ElfelMalmö → Stockholm C
Train 3942Stockholm C → Malmö
Train 3943Track and deviations are preliminary and may change.
Planned service changes
Here you will find information about future traffic changes. For ongoing traffic disruptions of more than 30 minutes, we will send an SMS to the mobile number you provided when booking your journey.
Train 300/301 and Train 304/305 will stop at Copenhagen Ørestad instead of Copenhagen South
For certain departures of trains 300/301 and 304/305, tickets have been sold to/from København Syd (Copenhagen South). The trains will instead stop at København Ørestad (Copenhagen Ørestad).
Track Maintenance Lund–Hässleholm: 17–18 May, 6–9 September, 18–19 October 2025
Track maintenance will result in longer travel times between Malmö and Hässleholm. Trains will not stop at Eslöv on these dates.
Track Maintenance Hässleholm–Alvesta: 26–27 April, 24–25 May, 23–24 August, 11–12 October 2025
Snälltåget services will be rerouted, leading to extended travel times. Trains will not stop at Eslöv, Hässleholm, Alvesta, Nässjö, Linköping, or Norrköping on these dates.
Track Maintenance at Hamburg: 8–21 March 2025
Track maintenance will affect Snälltåget services to and from Austria.
- Train 304 on 8 and 15 March, and train 305 on 14 March, will stop at Hamburg-Harburg instead of Hamburg Hbf.
Track Maintenance Øresund Bridge: 15–16 March 2025
Track maintenance in Denmark will affect train 304 from Austria on 15 March. The train will be replaced by a bus from Roskilde (at 13.30) to Copenhagen H (to Dybbølsbro station close to Copenhagen bus terminal) och Malmö Central.
Snälltåget services on the Stockholm–Malmö–Copenhagen route will not run to Copenhagen on these dates.
Track Maintenance north of Hamburg: 22–25 April 2025
Track maintenance will lead to extended travel times for Snälltåget services to and from Berlin.
- Train 301 (22–25 April) will arrive approximately 30 minutes later.
- Train 300 (23–25 April) will depart approximately 90 minutes earlier.
Track Maintenance Uppsala: 26 April, 16 and 30 August, 20 September 2025
Train 3900 (26 April) and train 3920 (16, 30 August, and 20 September) will not stop at Uppsala.
Track Maintenance Järna: 1–4 May 2025
Due to Track maintenance at Järna, all trains will be rerouted with approximately one hour of additional travel time. Not all departures will stop at Linköping and Norrköping.
Track Maintenance in Denmark: 9–11 May and 1–3 August 2025
Train 301 (11 May and 3 August) will depart later than scheduled. The night trains the night between friday and saturday will be canceled.
Track Maintenance Nässjö–Mjölby: 6–8 June 2025
Snälltåget services will be affected by track maintenance in Nässjö and Mjölby on 6–8 June 2025. All trains will be rerouted.
Train 301 will go to Berlin Zoologischer Garten starting 8 June
Starting June 8, Train 301 will go to Berlin Zoologischer Garten instead of Berlin Hbf.
Train 300 will continue to depart from Berlin Hbf.
Track Maintenance Linköping–Norrköping: 14–15 June 2025
Track maintenance will result in slightly longer travel times between Nässjö and Stockholm. Trains will not stop at Linköping or Norrköping on these dates.
Track Maintenance in Denmark: 12–19 July 2025
Track maintenance in Denmark will impact Snälltåget services to/from Germany and Austria. Bus replacement services will operate between Malmö and Nyborg.
The following departures will be affected:
Train 304 from Austria: 12 July
Train 305 to Austria: 18 July
Train 301 to Berlin: 13 and 15 July
Train 300 from Berlin: 14 and 16 July
Temporary Bus Stop in Karlshamn: 16–20 July 2025
Due to the Östersjöfestivalen, buses will stop at Karlshamn Travel Centre, bus stop A.
My train is delayed – what are my rights?
Your rights when your train is expected to arrive more than 60 minutes late at the final station
- You can cancel your journey and receive a refund for the part you have not traveled. To receive a refund, you must cancel your trip before the train's new scheduled departure time.*
- You can choose to be rebooked to another departure with Snälltåget, currently, you must contact Customer Service for this.*
- You can continue your journey and then have the right to compensation in case of delay, unless the delay is due to a third party's behavior, such as person-hit incidents, people on the tracks, or extraordinary circumstances, for example, severe weather conditions that Snälltåget cannot influence.
*A night train can make up time during the night, so for the night train to be considered late to the final station, a delay of more than 180 minutes at departure is required. It is the timetable on the latest ticket that should be compared with the current delay.
I want to cancel my journey
To cancel your journey, go to My Journey. Enter your booking number and email address and press "Search" to find your booking. In the booking details, press "Cancel".
I want to continue my journey and apply for compensation
If you have traveled with Snälltåget and the train was more than 60 minutes delayed upon arrival, you can apply for compensation according to EC 782/2021 Article 17. To apply for compensation, go to My Journey. Enter your booking number and email address and press "Search" to access your booking. In the booking details, click on "Delayed?" which will only be visible after the last train in your booking has arrived.
We do not compensate for additional expenses, lost work income, or pain and suffering.